Posts Tagged ‘Civil War’


God Bless Rudy Keller, who brings balance to an otherwised biased Southeast Missourian newspaper. Yesterday on November 8th, 2008 the Southeast Missourian published an article written by Rudy, that disputes the propaganda that has been spewed by the Cape Civil War Round Table , the Sons of Union Veterans of Missouri and the whole “Fort D” crew.


Scott House perpetrator of “myth” that poor German Immigrants fled to Fort D to escape violence from “Confederate Terrorist”

For instance, Scott House, who has been heavily involved with the “Fort D” project and a prominent member of the Sons of Union Veterans was quoted in a May 1’st , 2007 Southeast Missourian newspaper article as stating:

“House called Fort D a “backwater post” where families would regularly come to visit the troops stationed there. Many of those troops were German immigrants who had fled the nearby countryside due to terrorist acts perpetrated by Confederate militias and soldiers”

The sad fact is that they have been perpatrating these lies every year for the past few years. Well thanks to Mr. Keller and a lost diary we now have proof of who the real terrorist were…

From the November 8th, Southeast Missourian

“Maple, an Ohio native who was in charge of the Jackson Academy from 1857 to 1864, never expresses direct support of the Confederate cause. He does, however, severely question the methods of Union forces, describes their indifference to alleged crimes by slaves against whites and reports the wanton destruction of property.

On Sept. 2, 1861, a regiment of “infidel barbarous — aliens Dutch” went to the home of militia Col. H.H. Williams, who was not at home. His wife and two children were, and they were accosted by “these demons in human form” who threatened Mrs. Williams and searched the house. The eldest child, Clara E. Williams, 9, died after being “so frightened as to be thrown into paroxysms and from that into fever.”

“But she was frightened to death by a horde of vandals, who joined the army, only that they might have a chance to steal — ruffians, whose patriotism has been aroused by the promise of 15 dollars per month, which is about twice as much as they ever earned before, unprincipled cowards, who find a ‘Secesh’ wherever they find property unprotected, but sneak from the approach of danger like a ‘suck egg’ dog from the approach of the wench that habitually bosses him for his bad conduct,” Maple wrote.”

There’s your brave “Fort D” gang. German immigrants who signed up for $15 bucks a month , preyed on unprotected property, accosted women and killed children.

What was the “Fort D” gang’s response?

(Photo)Photo by Bob Stricker, Southeast Missourian

They drug their old cannon out and fired it a few times, the same day the paper carrying the story about the lost diary was published. How pathetic.

Clint, Missouri Bushwhacker